
Welcome to OCC’s Official Blog!

We at OCC are very excited to be entering into the world of social media and hope to make our blog an informative and relevant source of information about our products, solutions and services.  Subscribers of our blog can expect to find a wide array of content related to our industry including blog posts, videos, pictures, links to industry related news, and much more.  Some things you can expect to see include:

-Information on our newest products and developments
-What articles and websites we’re reading
-Commentary from our engineers
-Photos and information on trade shows and events we are participating in

Ultimately, we want to make our blog an information hub for our customers.  We hope customers will visit our blog to learn more about OCC and what we do as well as to keep informed about all the upcoming products, events, and promotions happening at OCC.  Most importantly, we hope our blog will give subscribers a better look into who we are, what we do, and why we are the best choice for their cabling needs.